mini-dinstall: Successfully installed maven-debian-helper 1.0 to unstable

Mini-Dinstall twerner at
Tue Jun 22 15:23:00 UTC 2010

Package: maven-debian-helper
Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at>
Changed-By: Ludovic Claude <ludovic.claude at>
Architecture: source all
  * debian/control:
     - replace Depends: on openjdk-6-jre | java2-runtime by default-jdk
     - remove Conflits: on old maven-debian-helper as there is already
       a version constraint for a new version of this package.
  * mh_make:
      - supports checking out code from the svn of
      - use upstream copyright when available for debian/* files
      - update Standards version, generate with source 3.0 (quilt) package
      - mh_make --from-svn: improve package name proposal for URLs
        containing /tags/
      - ask to ignore missing dependencies
      - add before-mvn-build:: and after-mvn-build:: targets
        to be able to insert custom actions before and after running the Maven
      - add DEB_MAVEN_INSTALL_TO_USJ variable. Set this variable to false to
        prevent to install the jars in /usr/share/java. This
        variable defaults to true.
      - add call to mh_clean to remove temporary files
  * Add -Duse.maven.repo.local option to maven-debian-plugin:install
    and install-doc to give the option to deploy artifacts on the
    local (and temporary) Maven repository used by the Debian build
    Typical use-case: bootstrapping the build of a project with
    some artifacts of the project pre-built and installed in the tmp repo
    before the normal build is executed. See the antlr3 package for an example
  * SysInstallMojo: clean the target directory before an installation if the
    directory is a symlink that was created by

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