Bug#500762: Bug #500762 libpcsclite1: javax.smartcardio searches for libpcsclite.so
Hendrik Tews
tews at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Mon May 3 09:29:14 UTC 2010
the bug report is quite old but if you are still interested to get it
fixed: please attach some code that reproduces the problem.
The attached program lists the connected PC/SC readers (and
reports a communication error if no reader is connected).
Compile with "javac pcsc_lite_bug.java". Run as "java
To see the problem do
strace -e trace=stat64 -f java pcsc_lite_bug 2>&1 | egrep 'XXX|libpcsclite'
With libpcsclite-dev installed and my reader connected I get
[pid 4626] stat64("/usr/lib/libpcsclite.so", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=38696, ...}) = 0
XXX Found 2 PCSC terminals:
XXX 0: PC/SC terminal SDI010 USB Smart Card Reader [Vendor Interface] (21120706205078) 00 00
XXX 1: PC/SC terminal SDI010 USB Smart Card Reader [Vendor Interface] (21120706205078) 00 01
With libpcsclite-dev installed and without any reader connected I
[pid 4643] stat64("/usr/lib/libpcsclite.so", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=38696, ...}) = 0
XXX Communication error javax.smartcardio.CardException: list() failed
Without libpcsclite-dev I get
[pid 4673] stat64("/usr/lib/libpcsclite.so", 0xf6b4b720) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 4673] stat64("/usr/local/lib/libpcsclite.so", 0xf6b4b720) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
XXX Cannot connect to PC/SC subsystem
Setting the property sun.security.smartcardio.library as
described on
has no positive effect.
I have now installed
ii sun-java6-bin 6.20-dlj-1 Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (ar
ii sun-java6-demo 6.20-dlj-1 Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6 demos a
ii sun-java6-doc 6-12-1 Sun JDK(TM) Documention -- integration insta
ii sun-java6-jdk 6.20-dlj-1 Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6
ii sun-java6-jre 6.20-dlj-1 Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (ar
ii sun-java6-plug 6.20-dlj-1 The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
ii sun-java6-sour 6.20-dlj-1 Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6 source
ii libpcsclite-de 1.5.5-3 Middleware to access a smart card using PC/S
ii libpcsclite1 1.5.5-3 Middleware to access a smart card using PC/S
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