Hi...From/Sgt Liliana Tavera

Sgt. Liliana Tavera {Ms} sgtlilitav at yahoo.com
Sat May 29 17:16:28 UTC 2010

Proposal /Sgt. Liliana Tavera
     Hi, Please accept my sincere apologies if my proposal does not meet
your business or personal ethics. I'm contacting you for solidarity
on behalf of our United States troops here in Iraq to receive funds
in your custody for safekeeping pending our troop's final dismissal
anytime this year...

All machinery would be put in place to ensure that this claim is hitch
free if you are capable of putting your time and efforts towards the
venture, kindly contact me immediately with the following information (1.)
Your Full names And Address (2.) A scanned copy of your photo ID (3.)
Telephone and fax number, and I'll get back to you immediately with the
basic condition of this proposal.

In waiting of your response...
        Sgt. Liliana Tavera {Ms}
E-mail: sgtlitavera at terra.com

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