How to use Debian packaged freehep instead of upstream provided freehep.jar

Andreas Tille andreas at
Mon Feb 7 12:36:54 UTC 2011


I try to package FigTree on behalf of the Debian Med team.  As you most
probably know Java upstream sources are "enriched" by binary jars which
is not acceptable in main.  I would like to tackle this step by step and
have seen that FigTree contains a copy of freehep.jar which contains
classes which are in Debian split over several packages.  I wonder what
would be the best strategy to use the Debian packaged code.  For your
comfort I putted the complete source package online at

to enable you an easy download.  Any advise is helpful.

Kind regards


PS: I know that there are other not yet packaged jars in this package
    but lets start with the lower hanging fruits.


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