Mario Joussen's Debian packages: asterisk-prompt-de, rxtx
Lionel Elie Mamane
lionel at
Fri Jul 29 10:29:22 UTC 2011
Hi Mario,
In my work for the pkg-voip team, I became interested in the
asterisk-prompt-de package in Debian, of which you are the registered
maintainer. You might have noticed I started to discuss with the
reporter about bug #508463.
Are you still interested in maintaining that package, and in being
active in Debian generally? I ask before the last Debian-related
activity of yours I found dates back to July 2008; but maybe there was
some activity of yours that I missed in my cursory search. Ah yes, you
voted in the 2009 DPL elections.
If you don't want or can't take care of asterisk-prompt-de anymore,
would it be OK for you if pkg-voip took it over? An alternative that
we would be very glad about is if you decided to join pkg-voip and
co-maintain that package with us :)
If you don't wish, or can't, participate in Debian in general anymore,
could you please inform the project officially? To do that:
- Send an gpg-signed email about why you are leaving the project to
<debian-private at>.
- Notify the Debian key ring maintainers that you are leaving by
opening a ticket in Debian RT by sending a mail to
<keyring at> with the words 'Debian RT' somewhere in the
subject line (case doesn't matter).
This procedure ensures you can more easily return should you wish so
in the future.
Obviously, if you want to become active again (or have been in a way
that has escaped my search), that is even better!
This email is copied to pkg-java-maintainers because one
team-maintained package of yours has Mario as uploader; so maybe one
of you has heard from Mario semi-recently?
Thanks in advance for letting us know what's up,
Lionel Mamane, Debian
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