Bug#584243: Any progress on Saxon updates?

brian m. carlson sandals at crustytoothpaste.net
Fri Mar 11 20:20:13 UTC 2011

Bug 584243, which deals with incorrect dependencies, has been open for
nine months with no response.  While it's fine for my laptop to have a
full JRE, it's not fine for my server.  This makes it difficult to use
Jing due to dependency problems.  I've built a custom version of the
package to fix this, but I'd prefer not to have to carry a patched
version of the package if I don't have to.

Is there any progress on fixing the dependencies?  It seems like a
trivial fix, but if necessary, I can supply a patch.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | http://www.crustytoothpaste.net/~bmc | My opinion only
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