Bug#618263: Please provide 1.2.x symlink for log4j artifact in maven repository
Miguel Landaeta
miguel at miguel.cc
Sun Mar 13 23:38:00 UTC 2011
Hello Ludovic,
On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Ludovic Claude
<ludovic.claude at laposte.net> wrote:
> Log4j has got already all Maven information required in the
> /usr/share/maven-repo repository. You need to adapt the version of log4j
> in your project to match what's in the Debian repo, like this:
> maven.rules:
> log4j log4j jar s/1\.2\..*/1.2.x/
I tried that but it didn't work.
Maybe I filed a bug in the wrong package or this is not a bug
but I observed this:
slf4j-parent POM points to log4j:log4j:1.2.x as dependency.
liblog4j-1.2-java 1.2.15-11 (unstable) provides
liblog4j-1.2-java 1.2.16-1 (experimental) doesn't
provide that file anymore.
I believe that when I build libhibernate3-java I end dereferencing
that dependency due to slf4j-parent artifact and my build fails.
Maybe the bug is in libhibernate3-java, liblog4j1.2-java or
libslf4j-java, but I think there is something odd somewhere.
I'll look again at this more closely tomorrow or during the week.
Miguel Landaeta, miguel at miguel.cc
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