Bug#640859: freeplane: FTBFS due to invalid JAVA_HOME value
Miguel Landaeta
miguel at miguel.cc
Fri Sep 9 14:46:06 UTC 2011
On Fri, Sep 09, 2011 at 04:12:20PM +0200, Eric Lavarde wrote:
> few questions before I start to look into it:
> - your pbuilder chroot is on sid pure?
> - do you have JAVA_HOME and/or JAVACMD defined in your environment/chroot?
> I'm a bit at loss because it should work without any environment
> variable defined, and surely /bin/java shouldn't be a valid option,
> but it's been a rather long time since I last built so perhaps
> something changed in sid!?
Hello Eric,
Sorry if I reacted too quickly on this bug.
My pbuilder is clean and up to date.
I didn't define JAVA_HOME explicitly anywhere in my pbuilder.
openjdk-6 (6b23~pre8-2) introduced changes related to multi-arch, so
now /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk is not a valid JAVA_HOME anymore.
In my workstation (amd64) /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64 is a valid path.
I went ahead and committed a change in freemind (and freeplane since it
seems to have the same bug) to switch to default-java that provides a
stable JAVA_HOME path and it points to openjdk-6 in almost all
architectures anyway.
Feel free to revert my changes if you find something wrong.
Miguel Landaeta, miguel at miguel.cc
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