new version for sweethome3d

Gaionim gaionim at
Sat Jan 14 15:49:01 UTC 2012

I'm sorry for my poor english.

I'd like join debian project, but I need improve my skills.

For my use and training I  repackaged  sweethome3d, both for squeeze and 

I'm looking for a mentor to check my work.

On my systems seems to work, apart background of control in 3d view.
(I don't know if I can send 50K image to the list.)

In squeeze no need of icedtea-netx, seems 
/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/rt.jar is  enough

Can I fix dependencies for 2 cases or there is  need 2 distinct packages ?
( one for squeeze-backport an one for testing/sid)

Please, reply by private message or CC me , I'm not subscribed;
  I'll do if needed.

Regards, Mauro
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