Bug#656136: aether: FTBFS due to plexus-component-metadata

Damien Raude-Morvan drazzib at drazzib.com
Mon Jan 16 22:11:48 UTC 2012

Hi Mathieu,

> aether appears to fail to build because maven can't parse the version
> number associated with the plexus-component-metadata plugin.
> debian/maven.rules specifies it as 1.5.x like others, but this doesn't
> appear to work. Setting the version number to 1.5.5 specifically for
> plexus-component-metadata lets the build complete successfully.

It seems that something broke your plexus-component-metadata pom for 1.5.x [1]

AFAICT, maven-ant-helper seems to corrupt something : I've compared a rebuild 
of plexus-component-metadata in a sid chroot versus original package actually 
in sid, and metadata is different.

I'll check in maven-ant-helper soon.

[1] /usr/share/maven-repo/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-component-


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