Bug#692728: GeoGebra licence and GPL violation
Stuart Prescott
stuart at debian.org
Fri Aug 16 06:25:25 UTC 2013
I noticed today that the licence change of GeoGebra leaves the program in a
very messy situation. GeoGebra is a fantastic piece of software for use in
education -- I use it myself and know many others who do so, which is why I
would like to work with you to resolve this problem.
Let me firstly say that I completely appreciate why you have taken steps to
differentiate between commercial and non-commercial licensing. My experience
is, however, that engagement with the wider free software community is much
more fruitful and will lead to code contributions in a way that restrictive
licences will not. Moreover, free software authors have a very long tradition
of being able to obtain cash or in-kind contributions from commercial
organisations who are using free software by directly engaging with them. More
carrot and less stick is a more reliable approach.
The conclusions I draw below are not only based on the idealism of Free
Software that I hold as a Debian Developer but also on pragmatic, practical
and legal readings of the licences involved. I have drawn on the Debian
project's twenty years of experience in dealing with software licences. The
problems I highlight below not only cause problems for the Debian project (and
its derivatives like Ubuntu) but are also a fundamental problem for the
International GeoGebra Institute itself and all other educational institutions
that want to use GeoGebra. The current situation will lead to GeoGebra being
removed from the mainstream Linux distributions (Debian, Debian-
Edu/SkoleLinux, Ubuntu, Fedora etc). It also precludes mass-deployment of
GeoGebra in educational institutions, especially in environments where a
student is given a physical device like a laptop that is imaged by a central
IT department.
I feel quite confident that the above scenario was not the outcome that the
International GeoGebra Institute had in mind when relicensing GeoGebra. It
would be great if we could have an open discussion and sort out this problem.
To specific details:
Let us first be very precise and recognise that this is not a licence
clarification but a licence change. Version, for instance, clearly
places the work under GPLv3 and CC-BY-SA 3.0. The licence text goes on to
discuss commercial vs non-commercial use but only in the context where you
"put the resulting work under your copyright". That is to say that commercial
usage is permitted, the software is free for anyone to use, free for them to
modify and free for them to redistribute. The restrictions here are against
people claiming copyright over material that is actually the copyright of the
GeoGebra authors; this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do and in fact is
already covered by the GPLv3 anyway.
However, the licence text attached to version is GPLv3 and CC-BY-NC-
SA 3.0 and additional restrictions. A conversion from CC-BY-SA 3.0 to CC-BY-
NC-SA 3.0 is not clarification. The imposition of the extra restrictions is not
confined to just the properties files but applies to java source code as well
[0]; this is not a clarification but the imposition of a large number of
restrictive conditions. The intent of this licence is to impose restrictions
on commercial usage in such a way that users are no longer free to use the
software. No users are permitted to redistribute the software (§10) which
would also make redistribution of modified versions impossible as well. No-one
is permitted to improve GeoGebra. GeoGebra is no longer free software.
Have all copyright holders (java programmers, artists, translators -- there
are many!) who contributed their work under the old licence terms agreed to
the relicencing of their work? Does that include the CEA/CNRS/INRI who are
copyright holders for the sections derived from scilab? The claim in §9 that
GeoGebra is "Copyright (C) International GeoGebra Institute, 2013" is at best
an assertion about the compilation; it does not cover significant chunks of the
code or the bundled libraries and those bits of code are not the International
GeoGebra Institute's to relicence.
The licence text goes to great lengths to impose additional restrictions over
and above the GPLv3 while also stating that GeoGebra is available under GPLv3
(clause 3 of the GeoGebra licence). Under §7 of GPLv3, I am permitted to
ignore any additional restrictions imposed on me by the GeoGebra licence. This
would strike out the entirety of the "non-commercial" aspects of the licence
and the other restrictions about redistribution (§10). (The licence itself is
not self-consistent on the point of redistribution; §10 forbids
redistribution, while the preamble permits it.)
At this point in the analysis, I am left with two choices:
(a) I can conclude that GeoGebra is actually GPLv3 and strike out
the rest of the licence terms. Anyone can use GeoGebra for commercial
or non-commercial purposes; it's Free Software.
(b) I can conclude that GeoGebra is *not* available under
the GPLv3 as there are additional restrictions in force. Unfortunately,
that means that GeoGebra is instead under a GPL-incompatible
Scenario (b) puts the International GeoGebra Institute in violation of the
licences of two libraries that GeoGebra is linked against. EPS Graphics and
JLaTeXMath are both licensed under the GPL "either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version". Additionally, the International
GeoGebra Institute is in violation of the scilab licence which covers section
of the java code and which does not permit discrimination based on the field of
endeavour (§5.1 of scilab's COPYING [1]).
Precompiled binaries of GeoGebra containing these libraries (such as the ones
found at [2]) can only be offered if the licence terms of the entire download
are compatible with the constituent parts. If we accept that "GPLv3 + CC-BY-
NC-SA 3.0 + additional restrictions" is more than just GPLv3 (i.e. we ignore
§7 of GPLv3), then this licence is not compatible with either GPLv2 or GPLv3
as required by EPS Graphics, JLaTeXMath; it's also incompatible with scilab.
At present, distribution of recent versions of GeoGebra by anyone *including*
International GeoGebra Institute is in violation of the licence JLaTeXMath,
EPS Graphics and scilab. Violation of the GPL means that you do not have the
right to distribute that work. Quite simply, each of the download links at [2]
becomes a copyright violation and any school, university or linux distribution
that passed on copies of GeoGebra to staff/students/users would also be
committing a copyright violation.
I'm quite sure that is not what was intended.
I look forward to discussing this with you further and helping the
International GeoGebra Institute and the GeoGebra developers continue to
deliver high quality teaching tools. Please let me know how I can help you do
kind regards
[0] It is also difficult to argue that the properties and the java code can
really have separate licences in any case, but that is orthogonal to the
problems here.
[1] http://cgit.scilab.org/cgit.cgi/scilab/tree/scilab/COPYING
[2] http://www.geogebra.org/cms/en/download/
Stuart Prescott http://www.nanonanonano.net/ stuart at nanonanonano.net
Debian Developer http://www.debian.org/ stuart at debian.org
GPG fingerprint BE65 FD1E F4EA 08F3 23D4 3C6D 9FE8 B8CD 71C5 D1A8
GPG fingerprint 90E2 D2C1 AD14 6A1B 7EBB 891D BBC1 7EBB 1396 F2F7
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GeoGebra - Dynamic Mathematics for Everyone
1) GeoGebra Source Code License:
GNU General Public License v3 or later
2) GeoGebra Language Files, Documentation, and Installers License:
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 or later
Note for Non-commercial Users (e.g private, schools, or universities)
You may use and distribute GeoGebra free of charge at home,
in school and universities under the conditions explained below.
Note for Commercial Users (e.g. publishers or online schools)
If you would like to use GeoGebra applets, installers, or documentation
for commercial purposes and put the resulting work under your copyright
(e.g. for books, online courses, or on websites under your own copyright),
you can do so by setting up a collaboration agreement with GeoGebra.
Please write to office at geogebra.org for details and we will help you to
find a simple and good solution for your specific projects.
1) GeoGebra Source Code License
GeoGebra's source code is subject to the GNU General Public License
(see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/):
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You can find GeoGebra's source code at
If you would like to help with programming, please write to
office at geogebra.org
2) GeoGebra Language Files, Documentation, and Installers License
All GeoGebra language files, documentation files, and installers
are subject to the following Creative Commons Attribution -
Share Alike License; either version 3.0 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version
(see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/):
You are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt GeoGebra
language files and documentation under the following conditions:
* Attribution. You must attribute the work
(i.e. by linking to http://www.geogebra.org/)
* Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work,
you may distribute the resulting work only under the same,
similar or a compatible license.
GeoGebra file types that are subject to the above-mentioned license:
* GeoGebra language files are ...
the user interface language files ("properties files") for
all languages used by the GeoGebra application and applets.
They are part of every official GeoGebra binary distribution.
* GeoGebra documentation files are ...
all "GeoGebra Help", "GeoGebra Quickstart" and other
documentation files found on the GeoGebra webserver.
* GeoGebra installers are ...
installation packages that let you install the GeoGebra
application and/or documentation files on your system
(MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc.) including GeoGebra WebStart.
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GeoGebra - Dynamic Mathematics for Everyone
You are free to copy, distribute and transmit GeoGebra free of charge
for non-commercial purposes (see conditions and details below).
* Markus Hohenwarter (Austria & USA 2001-)
* Michael Borcherds (UK 2007-)
* Gabor Ancsin (Hungary 2009-)
* Mathieu Blossier (France 2008-)
* Arnaud Delobelle (UK 2011-)
* Calixte Denizet (France 2010-)
* Judit Elias (Hungary 2009-)
* Arpad Fekete (Hungary 2010-)
* Zbynek Konecny (Czech Republic 2010-)
* Zoltan Kovacs (Hungary 2010-)
* Bernard Parisse (France 2013-)
* George Sturr (USA 2009-)
* Hans-Petter Ulven (Norway 2008-)
* Balazs Bencze (Romania 2012-)
* Lucas Binter (Austria 2011-)
* Philipp Birklbauer (Austria 2010-)
* Loic Le Coq (France 2006-)
* Damien Desfontaines (France 2012-)
* Darko Drakulic (Bosnia and Herzegovina 2011-)
* Martin Ennemoser (Austria 2011-)
* Andre Eriksson (Sweden 2010-)
* Victor Franco (Spain 2007)
* Claudia Gollner (Austria 2011-)
* Alexander Hartl (Austria 2011-)
* Guy Hed (Israel 2008-11)
* Ralf Hemmecke (Germany 2011)
* Rana Issa (Austria 2011-)
* Ted Kosan (USA 2008-)
* Dominik Kreil (Austria 2011-)
* Yves Kreis (Luxembourg 2005-2010)
* Corinna Kroehn (Austria 2011-)
* Cong Liu (USA 2007-09)
* Julian Lettner (Austria 2011)
* Matthias Meisinger (Austria 2011-)
* Joan Carles Naranjo (Spain 2007)
* Eloi Puertas (Spain 2007)
* Christoph Reinisch (Austria 2011-)
* Johannes Renner (Austria 2011-)
* Sergio Arbeo Rodriguez (Spain 2010-)
* Christian Schott (Germany 2011-)
* Neel Shah (India 2012-)
* Florian Sonner (Germany 2008-2012)
* Don Sun (USA 2011)
* Kai Chung Tam (USA 2011-)
* Sara Arjona Tellez (Spain 2011)
* Melanie Tomaschko (Austria 2011-)
* Thomas Unterthiner (Austria 2010-11)
* Amy Varkey (USA 2007-09)
* Philipp Weissenbacher (Austria 2007)
* Simon Weitzhofer (Austria 2011-)
* Quan Yuan (USA 2007-09)
* Andy Zhu (USA 2010-)
* Afrikaans: Rika Grobler (South Africa)
* Albanian: Pellumb Klogjeri (Albania), Teuta Iljazi (Macedonia)
* Arabic: Brahim Boulakbech, Haboubi Abdessalem, Boulifa Mehdi (Tunisia),
Maha Ahmed (Egypt), Kamal Dkhissi (Morocco), Rana Issa (Spain)
* Armenian: Gagik Aghekyan (Armenia)
* Basque: Gonzalo Elcano Vizcay, Aitzol Lasa, Ander Mariezkurrena (Spain)
* Bosnian: Maja Hrbat (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
* Bulgarian: Hristo Stoyanov Hristov, Magdalena Petkova (Bulgaria)
* Catalan: Jaume Bartroli, Pep Bujosa, Josep Lluis Canadilla,
Carlos Gimenez, Antoni Goma, Jorge Sanchez,
Roser Sebastian, David Obrador Sala (Spain)
* Chinese (Simplified): Chen Xing, Tom King, Ran Tao, Oldnew (China)
* Chinese (Traditional): Fu-Kwun Hwang, Chen-Hui Lin, Pegasus Roe,
Joe Chen (Taiwan)
* Croatian: Sime Suljic, Ela Rac-Marinic-Kragic, Josip Klicinovic,
Zeljko Vrabec, Damir Belavic (Croatia)
* Czech: Zuzana Bouchalova, Michaela Norulakova, Marketa Tomanova,
Marie Pokorna, Jiri Srubar, Roman Hasek (Czech Republic)
* Danish: Steen Grode, Martin Thun Klausen (Denmark)
* Dutch: Ivan De Winne, Chris Cambre, Jozef Van Remoortere,
Roger Van Nieuwenhuyze, Pedro Tytgat, Riggy Van de Wiele,
Beatrijs Versichel (Belgium),
Anton Geijer, Toon Rekkers (The Netherlands)
* English: Markus Hohenwarter, Judith Hohenwarter (Austria),
Yves Kreis (Luxembourg), Michael Borcherds (UK)
* Estonian: Jane Albre-Andersen (Estonia)
* Filipino: Guillermo Bautista, Jr., Jose Abelardo Torio, Erlina Ronda (The Philippines)
* Finnish: Juha Leino, Mikko Rahikka, Erkki Luoma-aho,
Teemu Hinkula, Tero Pirinen, Vadim Gurkalov, Aleksi Matsi,
Jani Hannula (Finland)
* French: Noel Lambert (France)
* Galician: Debora Pereiro Carbajo, Esperanza Gesteira Losada,
Enrique de la Torre Fernandez, Fernando Zacarias Maceiras,
Ignacio Larrosa Canestro, Jesus Garcia Otero, Irene Arias Lopez (Spain)
* Georgian: Lasha Kokilashvili (Georgia)
* German: Markus Hohenwarter, Judith Hohenwarter, Andreas Lindner,
Sandra Reichenberger, Christina Biermair, Andrea Duringer,
Barbara Kimeswenger, Corinna Kroehn, Kurt Soeser,
Johanna Zoechbauer, Alexander Hartl (Austria),
Yves Kreis (Luxembourg), Birgit Lachner (Germany)
* Greek: Nicholas Mousoulides, Constantinos Christou (Cyprus),
Spiros Mavrogiannis, Manolis Koutlis,
Fergadiotis Athanasios, Alkeos Souyoul (Greece)
* Hebrew: Guy Hed (Israel)
* Hindi: Sanjay Gulati, Parth Bhattacharya, Vikrant Dubey (India)
* Hungarian: Zsuzsanna Papp-Varga, Andras Hrasko, Peter Csiba,
Zoltan Major, Maria Sz. Fekete, Ildiko Kezer, Viktoria Kmecs,
Szabolcs Sulik, Lajos Szilassi, Zoltan Kovacs, Agnes Tamcsu,
Tamas Kalcza (Hungary)
* Icelandic: Freyja Hreinsdottir (Iceland)
* Indonesian: Aam Sudrajat (Indonesia)
* Irish: Maurice O'Reilly (Ireland)
* Italian: Simona Riva, Alessandra Tomasi (Italy)
* Japanese: Akihito Wachi, Kazuhiro Hasegawa (Japan)
* Kazakh: Talgat Bainazarov (Kazakhstan)
* Korean: Kyeong-Sik Choi (Korea)
* Lithuanian: Rokas Tamosiunas, Antanas Apynis (Lithuania)
* Macedonian: Linda Fahlberg-Stojanovska, Jasmina Markoska,
Zoran Trifunov, Alexandar Momirovski (FYR Macedonia)
* Malay: Daniel Leong Chee Kin (Malaysia)
* Marathi: Smita Patil, Aparna Lalingkar (India)
* Mongolian: Navchaa Tserendorj, Amarzaya Amartuvshin,
Gerelchimeg Batdelger, Otgonnaran Ochirbat, Batnasan Davaa (Mongolia)
* Nepali: Bhesh Raj Mainali, Keshab Prasad (Nepal)
* Norwegian: Sigbjorn Hals (Norway)
* Persian: Saeed Aminorroaya, Ali SafarNavadeh, Azam Zabihi, Amir MirSaeed (Iran)
* Polish: Ania Borkowska, Marzanna Miasko, Malgorzata Paliga
Ewa Piwek, Edyta Pobiega, Kasia Winkowska-Nowak, Jerzy Mil,
Przemyslaw Kajetanowicz (Poland)
* Portuguese (Brazil): Humberto Bortolossi, Celina A. A. P. Abar,
Gerson Pastre de Oliveira, Lisbete Madsen Barbosa,
Herminio Borges Neto, Alana Paula Araujo Freitas, Luciana de Lima,
Alana Souza de Oliveira (Brazil)
* Portuguese (Portugal): Jorge Geraldes, Antonio Ribeiro (Portugal)
* Romanian: Alexandra Fortis, Casian Colcher, Valerian Antohe, Moni Ungvari,
Valentin Oros, Judit Robu (Romania)
* Russian: Anatoly Scherbakov, Beatrice Versichel, Bugaevsky Vladimir (Russia)
* Serbian: Djordje Herceg, Dragoslav Herceg (Serbia)
* Slovak: Peter Csiba, Iveta Kohanova (Slovakia)
* Slovenian: Stanislav Senveter (Slovenia)
* Spanish: Liliana Saidon (Argentina)
* Swedish: Jonas Enlund (Finland), Thomas Lingefjard, Jonas Hall (Sweden)
* Tamil: Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran, Balanithy Murugaiah, Vasuraj Dhamodharan
* Tajik: Yusuf Balkas (Tajikistan)
* Thai: Rachaya Srisurichan, Alongkot Maiduang, Donny Passary (Thailand)
* Turkish: Erol Karakirik, Mustafa Dogan, Suleyman Cengiz (Turkey)
* Ukrainian: Valentyna Pikalova, Valera Rakuta (Ukraine)
* Vietnamese: Nguyen Thanh Trung, Quang Nguyen,
Nguyen Danh Nam (Vietnam)
* Valencian: Pilar Embid Giner, Vicente Balaguer (Spain)
* Welsh: Uned Gyfieithu Translation Unit, Prifysgol Bangor University,
Gwyn Jones, Sera Roberts (Wales)
* Yiddish: Eliezer Niborski (France, Israel)
GeoGebra Non-Commercial License Agreement
The International GeoGebra Institute is a non-profit organization
registered in Austria and having its office in Linz, Austria ("we",
"our" or "us"). We develop and support the GeoGebra dynamic mathematics
software application, including its source code, installers, web
applications and services, language files and associated documentation
("GeoGebra" or "the Software"). We operate GeoGebra (and publish its
related resources) through our websites located at
http://www.geogebra.org/ and http://www.geogebratube.org.
The terms of this License form a binding agreement between you, an
individual user or non-commercial organization ("you" or "your"), and us
regarding your non-commercial use of GeoGebra. By downloading, accessing
or otherwise using GeoGebra you indicate your agreement to be bound by
these License terms.
If you would like to help with developing GeoGebra please find all
details on how to get involved (including GeoGebra's source code) via
this link: http://dev.geogebra.org.
Non-commercial License Terms
1. This License incorporates (by reference) additional license terms
published by the Free Software Foundation and the Creative Commons
Corporation. In the event of any conflict between those additional terms
and the terms of this License, the latter shall prevail.
2. The GeoGebra installers and web services (including the various
materials and resources available at http://www.geogebratube.org) are
licensed to you (on a limited, non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable
and royalty-free license) under which you are free to use, copy,
distribute, modify and transmit the GeoGebra installers and web services
PROVIDED THAT you only do so for non-commercial purposes (without
charging a fee to any third party) and PROVIDED THAT you attribute the
work to us by (at least) mentioning our name, including an appropriate
copyright notice and providing a link to our website located at
3. The GeoGebra source code is licensed to you under the terms of the
GNU General Public License (version 3 or later) as published by the Free
Software Foundation, the current text of which can be found via this
link: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ("GPL"). Attribution (as
required by the GPL) should take the form of (at least) a mention of our
name, an appropriate copyright notice and a link to our website located
at http://www.geogebra.org.
4. The GeoGebra language files (including all user interface
"translation" files in the GeoGebra application and applets) and all
GeoGebra documentation (including "GeoGebra Help", "GeoGebra Quickstart"
and all other documentation files found on the GeoGebra webservers) are
licensed to you under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licence (version 3.0 or later), the
current text of which can be found via this link:
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode. Attribution
(as required by that Creative Commons license) should take the form of
(at least) a mention of our name, an appropriate copyright notice and a
link to our website located at http://www.geogebra.org.
5. The Software (and all related materials and resources) are licensed
to you WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and on an AS IS basis including without
limitation the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. We accept no liability for your use of the Software
(save to the extent such liability cannot be excluded as a matter of
6. The Software (and all related materials and resources) are licensed
to you without any offer or promise of support or future development by
the International GeoGebra Institute or any third party. Please note
that support services are available under the terms of our Collaboration
Agreement – please contact office at geogebra.org for more information.
7. You may install GeoGebra on multiple devices in multiple locations
PROVIDED THAT you always use the Software for non-commercial purposes
and otherwise in accordance with these License terms.
8. The copyright and other intellectual property rights (including any
trade marks) of whatever nature (arising anywhere in the world) in the
GeoGebra software (and all related resources) are and will remain our
property (or in the case of third party materials (including software
libraries) which we have the right of use, the property of the third
party licensor), and we reserve the right to grant licenses to use the
GeoGebra software (and all related resources) to third parties.
9. An "appropriate copyright notice" for the purposes of this License
shall take the following form:
Copyright (C) International GeoGebra Institute, 2013
10. This License is personal to you and you must not assign it to a
third party or permit any third party to benefit from it without our
prior written consent.
11. You will notify us immediately if you become aware of any
unauthorised use of the whole or any part of the GeoGebra software (and
all related resources).
12. If any of the provisions of this License (including the additional
terms incorporated by reference) are held to be invalid or unenforceable
under any applicable statute or rule of law, it is to that extent to be
deemed omitted from the License. Such an omission will not affect the
validity of the remaining provisions of the License, which will remain
in full force and effect.
13. This License shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
Austrian law.
These License terms were last updated in April 2013.
Libraries used by GeoGebra:
* The Apache Commons Mathematics Library,
http://commons.apache.org/math/ (Apache Software License)
* EPS Graphics, http://epsgraphics.sf.net (GPL)
* FreeHEP Java Libraries, http://java.freehep.org (LGPL)
* JFugue 2.1 (LGPL), http://www.jfugue.org/jfugue-2.1.zip (LGPL)
* JLaTeXMath, http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/jlatexmath/ (GPL)
* JUNG, http://jung.sourceforge.net (BSD)
* OpenCSV, http://opencsv.sourceforge.net/ (Apache 2.0)
* Reduce, http://reduce-algebra.sourceforge.net/ (BSD)
* Tango Icon Gallery, http://tango.freedesktop.org (Public Domain)
International GeoGebra Institute
Lackenschloessl 23, 5760 Saalfelden, Austria
office at geogebra.org
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