Bug#698108: java-package: diff for NMU version 0.50+nmu2
David Prévot
taffit at debian.org
Tue Jan 15 20:05:30 UTC 2013
Thanks Niels and Tony for your reviews and advices!
Le 15/01/2013 11:38, tony mancill a écrit :
> On 01/14/2013 11:48 PM, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> Seems to me your patch will prevent anyone from using java-package on
>> the older Java7 binaries.
Right, I didn't thought it would worth the trouble to support “infested
with security issues making them unsuitable”-versions.
>> I think it should have a nice little error message saying "Nope,
>> won't do this - That version is vulnerable/unsupported/$whatever".
Right, I did bother to update the (multiple duplicates of the same)
documentation, but a better handling of such error would have indeed be
> I had the same thought - there may be a valid reason for someone to want
> to run jdk-7u9.
OK, so let's just continue to support its building then.
> This issue already appears to be addressed in the 0.51
> package (but with a different patch). I'm assuming we want to keep the
> patch minimal
That was the idea (both because we're in freeze, and because it's an NMU
to fix an issue opened yesterday). If the release team is fine with
0.51, I guess it could be uploaded to unstable ;).
> can we use this these patterns instead?
> jdk-7u+([0-9])-linux-i586.tar.gz
> jdk-7u+([0-9])-linux-x64.tar.gz
I'm afraid it won't cope with the ${archive_name:6:1} versus
${archive_name:6:2} expansion currently used in the scripts (or would
need some more intrusive changes that may not be desirable).
> David, if you'd prefer not to upload again, could you remove the upload
> and I'll prepare the update. (But thank you for taking the initiative
> in the first place!)
I've prepared another one, debdiff attached. It explicitly adds support
for two digits version, without touching to the one digit version
support nor the documentation (since it's still accurate with that change).
I'll upload it to DELAYED/1 in about four hours (that is one day after
after the initial DELAYED/2 upload), unless we find something else that
need fixing in the mean time or if someone prefers to take care of it
another way.
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