Bug#669712: [freeplane] RE: freeplane: Visual corruption after scrolling mindmap

Felix Natter fnatter at gmx.net
Mon Jun 17 18:47:17 UTC 2013

Omega Weapon <omegaphil at gmail.com> writes:

> Very sorry about the delay - I didn't get your email.
>> Can we generally apply this patch or could it break something else in
>> some cases?
> So far the change has simply lead to slow graphics rendering in freeplane
> (interestingly when you get to the second/third line of a node it suddenly
> speeds up mind), but without corruption.
> There is a separate failure where freeplane suddenly ignores all keyboard
> input, but I later confirmed this also happened under the normal
> graphics

You could try to update to 1.2.23, but I don't know whether that would
fix it (probably not).

> engine, so shouldn't be related (I can report this bug, but there is
> nothing useful I can say about it - I have to restart freeplane at this
> point).

There was an interesting reply:

which states that the XRender pipeline (-Dsun.java2d.xrender=True)
also causes problems (this time when scrolling _vertically_ ;-)

The vertical scrolling bug is reported to be fixed in openjdk-8:
=> I guess that means we don't get a fix for openjdk-7, but I will ask
on Debian-java (since it's patched on Ubuntu already).

So, to repeat this: the solution is to pass -Dsun.java2d.xrender=True to
java, which can be done by modifying 'JAVA_OPTS' in /usr/bin/freeplane
for the 1.2.23 Debian package (or modify 'defines' for the 1.1.x
package). But that might create problems as well, so you should only use
it if you have visual corruption and I shouldn't include it in
/usr/bin/freeplane of the Debian package at least until the xrender
pipeline is fixed in OpenJDK7 of Debian.

>> What is your experience with OpenJDK? Does it work properly (with this
>> patch)? Now that OpenJDK7 has (almost) the same codebase as OracleJDK7
>> (that's what the OpenJDK folks told me), I think we should try to
>> support it.
> Currently I use Eclipse, RSSOwl, and now I2P - OpenJDK seems to behave.

That's good to know, I am also using OpenJDK7 in the mean time and have
no major problems.

Best Regards,
Felix Natter

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