Processed: Reassign Bug#708405 to geronimo-jta-1.1-spec
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Wed May 15 20:12:19 UTC 2013
Processing commands for control at
> reassign 708405 geronimo-jta-1.1-spec 1.1.1-2
Bug #708405 [jetty] jetty: Fails to build from source on wheezy
Bug reassigned from package 'jetty' to 'geronimo-jta-1.1-spec'.
No longer marked as found in versions jetty/6.1.26-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #708405 to the same values previously set
Bug #708405 [geronimo-jta-1.1-spec] jetty: Fails to build from source on wheezy
There is no source info for the package 'geronimo-jta-1.1-spec' at version '1.1.1-2' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1.1.1-2'
Marked as found in versions 1.1.1-2.
> retitle 708405 Rebuilding looses /usr/share/java/geronimo-jta_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar from package
Bug #708405 [geronimo-jta-1.1-spec] jetty: Fails to build from source on wheezy
Changed Bug title to 'Rebuilding looses /usr/share/java/geronimo-jta_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar from package' from 'jetty: Fails to build from source on wheezy'
End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems
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