Bug#726609: maven-debian-helper: Using wrong path to mvnDebug when checking if apt-file

Markus Koschany apo at gambaru.de
Thu Nov 12 13:02:34 UTC 2015

Am 12.11.2015 um 13:47 schrieb Emmanuel Bourg:
> Le 17/10/2013 10:04, Alexander Holupirek a écrit :
>> mh_make checks if apt-file is configured.
>> For that purpose it searches for /usr/bin/mvnDebug using apt-file.
>> However, mvnDebug can never be found that way as it is nowadays available at /usr/share/maven/bin/mvnDebug.
>> As such, mh_make always issues an update just to recognize that its 'Index is up-to-date.'
>> The following patch resolves the issue.
> Thank you for reporting this issue Alexander.
> I wonder if it's a good idea to fix it and prevent apt-file from being
> updated when mh_make is used. Ensuring that apt-file is always up to
> date is likely to help with the dependency resolution. And the update
> process isn't that long.

What I have been always wondering about is that I still have to manually
install dependencies before mh_make is able to detect them. Strangely
apt-file has never worked for me yet. So an up-to-date apt-file that
helps with the dependency resolution would be great, but I'm not sure if
this is the only bug here.


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