Bug#798446: Acknowledgement (eclipse-wtp-xsl: no option to run, XSL transformation; no XSL configurations)
Mark Carroll
m.t.b.carroll at dundee.ac.uk
Tue Sep 29 08:45:46 UTC 2015
On 09/28/2015 04:25 PM, Markus Koschany wrote:
> I think you hit a common issue with Eclipse. The update mechanism
> provided by Eclipse is not really compatible with Debian's packaging
> system. Often it just works but sometimes you will experience weird bugs
> due to incompatible versions. The only way to debug such a problem is to
> deinstall all downloaded Eclipse plugins.
> I understand that this might not be a satisfactory answer but the only
> way to avoid such bugs is to disable Eclipse's way of updating plugins
> and to use the provided Debian packages whenever possible.
Aha, thank you very much for these clues. I wiped out everything in the
plugins directory in ~/.eclipse and anything related to m2e, then
reinstalled the maven add-on, and now I can see the XML stuff and the
Maven stuff both in Eclipse's UI! I guess I'd request Debian packaging
of the m2e Eclipse stuff so I don't have to touch the non-Debian add-on
sites at all but overall I am now much happier and I appreciate your
help. I'll try to avoid non-Debian offered updates in future and use the
add-on sites only when necessary.
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