Bug#681726: eclipse: Upgrade Eclipse to Juno 4.2

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Fri Apr 29 14:34:23 UTC 2016

Am 29.04.2016 um 16:12 schrieb Peter Spiess-Knafl:
> Hi!
> I would also like to know what is exactly the problem that prevents
> upgrading to a more recent version of Eclipse?
> I think it would be really worth putting effort into getting the latest
> version (or at least a more recent version form 4.x) of eclipse into the
> next release of Debian.
> I could not find an RFH bug for Eclipse but I think one should be filed,
> because the current version, even in unstable, is almost four years old.
> Greetings
> Peter


the answer is pretty simple. Someone needs to do the work because
Eclipse won't package itself. A lot of time has passed between the
current version in Debian and the most recent version. The new build
system Tycho is completely different and is now Maven based. It must be
packaged first. Several modules must be updated as well. And most
importantly Eclipse must be maintained for the future. It's not about
getting a new version into Debian and then you can stop working on it
and everything will be fine. That's a constant process of repeating tasks.

In my opinion it should be obvious that Eclipse needs help. So an RFH
bug won't change much. Eclipse requires at least one dedicated
maintainer but the more the merrier. So if you want to help us
to_maintain_ the packages, be more than welcome. I would help you to get
the packages into Debian.



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