Bug#845425: DataSource no longer accessible since jessie security update
Arne Nordmark
nordmark at mech.kth.se
Wed Dec 7 12:28:19 UTC 2016
Den 2016-12-07 kl. 11:38, skrev Emmanuel Bourg:
> Hi Arne,
> Were is located the jar of your JDBC driver?
I have put a symlink in /var/lib/tomcat7/common, so that would be loaded
by the "Common" class loader.
The default Debian configuration in /etc/tomcat7/catalina.properties
seem to be slightly broken here, so in the "common.loader" I had to
change from ${catalina.home}/common/... to ${catalina.base}/common/...
>> I can build and run Debian tomcat7 on both wheezy and jessie, so if you
>> would like me to make any further tests, please let me know.
> Would you be able to try again with the missing loop?
Am I correct in understanding that you want me to add the loop on top of
version 7.0.56-3+deb8u5 without the other changes from upstream 7.0.73?
> Emmanuel Bourg
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