Processed: your mail
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Thu Jul 7 11:31:08 UTC 2016
Processing commands for control at
> reassign 829413 src:cglib
Bug #829413 [src:libparanamer-java] libparanamer-java: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer:bundle:2.8
Bug reassigned from package 'src:libparanamer-java' to 'src:cglib'.
No longer marked as found in versions libparanamer-java/2.8-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #829413 to the same values previously set
> reassign 828930 src:cglib
Bug #828930 [src:guice] guice: FTBFS: the artifact org.apache.ant:ant:jar:debian has not been downloaded
Bug reassigned from package 'src:guice' to 'src:cglib'.
No longer marked as found in versions guice/4.0-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #828930 to the same values previously set
> reassign 829411 src:cglib
Bug #829411 [src:fest-assert] fest-assert: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.easytesting:fest-assert-core:jar:2.0M10
Bug reassigned from package 'src:fest-assert' to 'src:cglib'.
No longer marked as found in versions fest-assert/2.0~M10-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #829411 to the same values previously set
> reassign 829131 src:cglib
Bug #829131 [src:avro-java] avro-java: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.avro:avro-compiler:bundle:1.7.7
Bug reassigned from package 'src:avro-java' to 'src:cglib'.
No longer marked as found in versions avro-java/1.7.7-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #829131 to the same values previously set
> reassign 828959 src:cglib
Bug #828959 [src:assertj-core] assertj-core: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.assertj:assertj-core:bundle:2.3.0
Bug reassigned from package 'src:assertj-core' to 'src:cglib'.
No longer marked as found in versions assertj-core/2.3.0-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #828959 to the same values previously set
> reassign 829105 src:cglib
Bug #829105 [src:sisu-guice] sisu-guice: FTBFS: the artifact org.apache.ant:ant:jar:debian has not been downloaded
Bug reassigned from package 'src:sisu-guice' to 'src:cglib'.
No longer marked as found in versions sisu-guice/3.2.6-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #829105 to the same values previously set
> reassign 828093 src:cglib
Bug #828093 [src:commons-javaflow] commons-javaflow: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.commons:commons-javaflow:jar
Bug reassigned from package 'src:commons-javaflow' to 'src:cglib'.
No longer marked as found in versions commons-javaflow/0.0~svn20151101-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #828093 to the same values previously set
> reassign 829183 src:cglib
Bug #829183 [src:maven-compiler-plugin] maven-compiler-plugin: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:maven-plugin:3.2
Bug reassigned from package 'src:maven-compiler-plugin' to 'src:cglib'.
No longer marked as found in versions maven-compiler-plugin/3.2-5.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #829183 to the same values previously set
> affects 829413 src:libparanamer-java
Bug #829413 [src:cglib] libparanamer-java: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer:bundle:2.8
Added indication that 829413 affects src:libparanamer-java
> affects 828930 src:guice
Bug #828930 [src:cglib] guice: FTBFS: the artifact org.apache.ant:ant:jar:debian has not been downloaded
Added indication that 828930 affects src:guice
> affects 829411 src:fest-assert
Bug #829411 [src:cglib] fest-assert: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.easytesting:fest-assert-core:jar:2.0M10
Added indication that 829411 affects src:fest-assert
> affects 829131 src:avro-java
Bug #829131 [src:cglib] avro-java: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.avro:avro-compiler:bundle:1.7.7
Added indication that 829131 affects src:avro-java
> affects 828959 src:assertj-core
Bug #828959 [src:cglib] assertj-core: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.assertj:assertj-core:bundle:2.3.0
Added indication that 828959 affects src:assertj-core
> affects 829105 src:sisu-guice
Bug #829105 [src:cglib] sisu-guice: FTBFS: the artifact org.apache.ant:ant:jar:debian has not been downloaded
Added indication that 829105 affects src:sisu-guice
> affects 828093 src:commons-javaflow
Bug #828093 [src:cglib] commons-javaflow: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.commons:commons-javaflow:jar
Added indication that 828093 affects src:commons-javaflow
> affects 829183 src:maven-compiler-plugin
Bug #829183 [src:cglib] maven-compiler-plugin: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:maven-plugin:3.2
Added indication that 829183 affects src:maven-compiler-plugin
> forcemerge 830204 829131 828959 828093 829183 829411 829413 829105 828930
Bug #830204 [src:cglib] cglib: make the ant dependency really optional
Bug #828093 [src:cglib] commons-javaflow: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.commons:commons-javaflow:jar
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Removed indication that 828093 affects src:commons-javaflow
Marked as found in versions cglib/3.2.3-2.
Bug #829131 [src:cglib] avro-java: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.avro:avro-compiler:bundle:1.7.7
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Removed indication that 829131 affects src:avro-java
Marked as found in versions cglib/3.2.3-2.
Bug #828959 [src:cglib] assertj-core: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.assertj:assertj-core:bundle:2.3.0
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Removed indication that 828959 affects src:assertj-core
Marked as found in versions cglib/3.2.3-2.
Bug #829413 [src:cglib] libparanamer-java: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer:bundle:2.8
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Removed indication that 829413 affects src:libparanamer-java
Marked as found in versions cglib/3.2.3-2.
Bug #828930 [src:cglib] guice: FTBFS: the artifact org.apache.ant:ant:jar:debian has not been downloaded
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Removed indication that 828930 affects src:guice
Marked as found in versions cglib/3.2.3-2.
Bug #829105 [src:cglib] sisu-guice: FTBFS: the artifact org.apache.ant:ant:jar:debian has not been downloaded
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Removed indication that 829105 affects src:sisu-guice
Marked as found in versions cglib/3.2.3-2.
Bug #829183 [src:cglib] maven-compiler-plugin: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:maven-plugin:3.2
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Removed indication that 829183 affects src:maven-compiler-plugin
Marked as found in versions cglib/3.2.3-2.
Bug #829411 [src:cglib] fest-assert: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.easytesting:fest-assert-core:jar:2.0M10
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Removed indication that 829411 affects src:fest-assert
Marked as found in versions cglib/3.2.3-2.
Merged 828093 828930 828959 829105 829131 829183 829411 829413 830204
End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems
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