Bug#825276: openjfx: FTBFS when built with dpkg-buildpackage -A (dh_install: Cannot find "build/javadoc/*")

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Thu Jul 14 15:44:06 UTC 2016

On Thu, 14 Jul 2016, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> openjfx builds fine with "dpkg-buildpackage"

But there is not a way to tell the official autobuilders that they
do "dpkg-buildpackage" alone. They always do either -A or -B, so no,
it does not build fine as far as the official autobuilders is concerned.

For the record: The security team does source-only uploads as a normal
thing, so in some sense they are already mandatory for them.

In either case, there is little point in discussing about this being
or not RC for stretch in this particular bug report. If you don't like
this to be a release goal for stretch, you should really talk to the
Release Managers.

This is the relevant bug if you are interested:


However, before doing so, please consider the following:

We can make this a release goal now, or we can wait for the stable
release after stretch, i.e. about two years from now.

There are more than 23700 source packages in the archive. Of those,
only 100 source packages are affected by this, and from those only 62
do not have a patch available. The number of "key packages" affected
is less than 24.

With all this I mean that the "right time" to make this issue RC is
probably now, for stretch, not in two years.

Sorry if I did not convince you. You can still try discussing with the
Release Managers if you wish, but if I were you, I would just make an
upload for openjfx and forget about the issue. Or maybe wait a week
for the severity to be raised. Or maybe even wait until the last minute
before the autoremoval from testing.

Even if the package is big (about 100MB), I believe that snapshot.debian.org
can deal with a package like that every few months without problems.

And, if you are worried about your own bandwidth, remember that you
can make a source-only upload with "dpkg-buildpackage -S".


P.S. It has been nice to discuss with you, but please talk to the
Release Managers, not to me. Really :-)

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