Bug#818657: libxerces2-java: Build system does not check for errors, violating Policy 4.6

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Sat Mar 19 10:23:11 UTC 2016

Package: libxerces2-java
Version: 2.11.0-7
Severity: important

Dear maintainer:

While building this package with "dpkg-buildpackage -A", I noticed that
the build system does not check for errors as required by Policy 4.6
(this is a "must" directive).

Compare the following build logs.

In the first one, some kind of error happened:

  [javadoc] Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

but the build continued anyway and created an incorrect package.
This is easy to check by doing this:

grep root/root libxerces2-java_2.11.0-7_amd64-20160228-1618 | wc
    109     664   11580

grep root/root libxerces2-java_2.11.0-7_amd64-20160302-1335 | wc
   1024    6154  138024

I'm not sure that this is the package having the bug (this could be a
debhelper bug, for example), but it is quite sure that it's affected.
Feel free to reassign as appropriate.

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