Bug#844428: libspring-java: Invalid optional dependencies in the Maven POMs

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg at apache.org
Tue Nov 15 21:31:58 UTC 2016

Control: reassign -1 libspring-java 4.3.4-1
Control: affects -1 jetty9
Control: retitle -1 libspring-java: Invalid optional dependencies in the Maven POMs

Thank you for the report Chris. This issue appeared with the upload of
libspring-java/4.3.4-1, the optional dependencies (such as jopt-simple,
aspectjweaver and snakeyaml as reported in the build log) are not
declared properly in the Maven POMs. libspring-java/4.3.4-1 used a new
POMs generation feature introduced in gradle-debian-helper 1.4, and it
doesn't work correctly for the optional dependencies. For example the
POM for spring-core has this:


instead of:


gradle-debian-helper has to be fixed, and then libspring-java rebuilt.
I'm reassigning the issue to libspring-java since its POMs are causing
the FTBFS (this was also seen in other rdeps of libspring-java, and
there are probably more to come).

Emmanuel Bourg

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