Processed (with 1 error): Add blockers for the openssl trans bug

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Sat Aug 12 19:25:14 UTC 2017

Processing commands for control at

> block 871056 by 827076 828329 828413 828420 828429 828441 828449 828451 828471 828475 828477 828481 828483 828503 828520 828522 828557 828572 835801 844303 847611 848680 850886 850888 850890 850895 850897 850898 851054 851069 851070 851073 851074 851076 851077 851078 851079 851080 851081 851084 851085 851086 851087 851090 851091 851093 851094 851424 853778 853782 854583 858386 858398 858435 858436 858828 858857 858927 858928 858929 858930 858931 858935 858936 858937 858938 858939
Bug #871056 [] transition: openssl
871056 was not blocked by any bugs.
871056 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 871056: 828572, 851079, 828522, 858939, 828481, 850888, 828429, 827076, 851077, 851424, 853778, 851069, 828329, 851074, 844303, 850897, 828557, 850898, 858436, 851070, 850895, 851084, 828503, 851054, 835801, 851087, 851080, 851086, 828471, 858828, 828449, 858935, 828483, 851076, 851091, 850886, 858938, 848680, 858386, 828475, 828420, 858435, 828413, 828520, 851073, 858928, 853782, 854583, 858937, 858857, 858936, 858929, 851093, 851094, 828477, 851090, 858398, 847611, 850890, 858927, 851081, 858930, 858931, 828441, 851085, 851078, and 828451
> block 871056 by 858989 858990 858991 858992 858993 859050 859052 859053 859054 859055 859145 859146 859222 859224 859225 859226 859228 859229 859230 859232 859297 859367 859416 859540 859542 859543 859544 859545 859546 859548 859550 859551 859552 859553 859554 859555 859556 859557 859558 859669 859671 859673 859674 859675 859715 859716 859717 859718 859719
Bug #871056 [] transition: openssl
871056 was blocked by: 851094 828477 851090 858398 847611 858928 858857 853782 858937 854583 858936 858929 851093 851081 858930 858931 828441 851085 851078 828451 850890 858927 851076 851091 828449 858935 828483 828475 828420 858435 828413 828520 851073 858938 850886 848680 858386 828557 850897 850898 858436 851070 828329 851074 851069 844303 828503 851084 851054 835801 851087 851080 851086 858828 828471 850895 828522 858939 828481 850888 828429 828572 851079 851077 851424 853778 827076
871056 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 871056: 859543, 858989, 859556, 859552, 859715, 859050, 859229, 859053, 859228, 859558, 858993, 859297, 859546, 859224, 859674, 859052, 859551, 859416, 859544, 858992, 859555, 859717, 859222, 859719, 859545, 858990, 859548, 859669, 859553, 858991, 859673, 859232, 859225, 859146, 859367, 859054, 859675, 859055, 859718, 859671, 859554, 859542, 859716, 859540, 859145, 859557, 859226, 859550, and 859230
Failed to set blocking bugs of 871056: can't find location for 859145.

> block 871056 by 859720 859721 859740 859742 859750 859782 859783 859784 859785 859786 859789 859790 859791 859826 859829 859831 859834 859838 859840 859841 859844 859851 859852 859853 863568 867140 870775 870778 870779 871939
Bug #871056 [] transition: openssl
871056 was blocked by: 828449 859232 858935 828483 859225 859146 859673 858991 851076 851091 858990 848680 850886 858938 858386 859669 859548 859553 828475 858435 828420 859545 828520 851073 828413 859540 859145 859557 859550 854583 858937 853782 858857 858928 859226 858936 859230 858929 851093 851094 859671 859554 828477 851090 859542 858398 847611 859716 859055 850890 859718 858927 858930 851081 828441 858931 859367 851078 859054 859675 851085 828451 859053 828572 859228 851079 858939 828522 859552 828481 859050 850888 859715 859229 828429 858989 859556 827076 851077 859543 853778 851424 828329 859544 851069 851074 859717 859555 858992 859719 859222 844303 828557 850897 859546 859052 858436 859551 850898 859224 859674 859416 851070 850895 859297 858993 851054 828503 859558 851084 835801 828471 851086 858828 851080 851087
871056 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 871056: 859786, 859720, 859785, 859826, 859834, 859783, 859852, 859841, 859721, 859829, 859789, 871939, 859790, 870779, 859782, 859851, 859791, 870778, 859838, 859784, 859740, 863568, 867140, 859831, 859853, 870775, 859750, 859840, 859844, and 859742
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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