Bug#872619: Add upstream patch to support input of accented characters

Oliver Kopp kopp.dev at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 12:19:28 UTC 2017

Package: libopenjfx-java
Version: 8u131-b11-2

Upstream issue: Entering accents in a textfield on a JFXPanel produces
NPE - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8185792

This issue has been resolved at openjfx 10:

I am unsure about Oracle's process to include fixes in the v8 of
openjfx. JabRef either needs this fix or the packaging of a
work-around library, which is only living, because of JabRef
(https://github.com/JabRef/org.jabref.gui.customjfx.support). Since I
think including a fix, which also other JavaFX applications may
benefit from is more valuable than packaging another library, which
will surely become obsolete, I wanted to ask:

Can this fix also included in Debian's openjfx 8?

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