Bug#867712: lucene-solr: CVE-2017-3163

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at debian.org
Sat Jul 8 20:43:04 UTC 2017

Source: lucene-solr
Version: 3.6.2+dfsg-5
Severity: important
Tags: security upstream
Forwarded: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-10031


the following vulnerability was published for lucene-solr.

No description was found (try on a search engine)

If you fix the vulnerability please also make sure to include the
CVE (Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures) id in your changelog entry.

For further information see:

[0] https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2017-3163
[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-10031

Please adjust the affected versions in the BTS as needed.


p.s.: Out of interest, but I do not know the background, is there a
      reason in Debian lucene-solr never was updated to newer 4.x, 5,x,
      6.x versions?

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