Bug#868923: Pending fixes for bugs in the libnb-platform-java package
pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jul 23 15:39:47 UTC 2017
tag 868923 + pending
tag 858876 + pending
tag 835691 + pending
tag 830455 + pending
tag 799936 + pending
tag 784442 + pending
tag 787177 + pending
tag 754602 + pending
tag 768622 + pending
tag 680468 + pending
tag 690633 + pending
tag 610927 + pending
Some bugs in the libnb-platform-java package are closed in revision
6b2fac25d9b3e4d569cd63e7212680dc8e6ce341 in branch 'master' by Markus
The full diff can be seen at
Commit message:
Import Debian changes 8.1+dfsg1-6
libnb-platform18-java (8.1+dfsg1-6) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add jna-4.4.0-compatibility.patch and fix FTBFS with JNA 4.4.0.
Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum for the report. (Closes: #868923)
* Switch to compat level 10.
* Use https for Format field.
* Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.0.0.
* Tighten B-D on libjna-platform-java to >= 4.4.0.
libnb-platform18-java (8.1+dfsg1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* Use the correct name for libjna-jni library. (Closes: #858876)
libnb-platform18-java (8.1+dfsg1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add gcc-6-ftbfs.patch and fix FTBFS with GCC-6. (Closes: #835691)
Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum for the report.
libnb-platform18-java (8.1+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8.
* Vcs-Git: Use https.
* Set permit.jdk8.builds=true.
* Fix include path to find jni_md.h.
Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum for the report. (Closes: #830455)
libnb-platform18-java (8.1+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* netbeans-platform-o.n.html.ko4j.patch: Readd apisupport.project module.
libnb-platform18-java (8.1+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Imported Upstream version 8.1+dfsg1.
* orig-tar.sh: Use xz compression.
* debian/rules: Remove conditional whether patches are applied or not.
* Drop debian/patches/netbeans-platform-junit4.patch. Fixed upstream.
* Refresh debian/patches/netbeans-platform-empty-binaries-list.patch
* Refresh debian/patches/netbeans-platform-windowslauncher.patch
* Add asm4-all.jar to linked-jars and build-depend on libasm4-java.
* Add libhamcrest-java to Build-Depends and update linked-jars accordingly.
* Add netbeans-platform-disable-net.java-modules.patch and disable the
net.java.html module.
* Add netbeans-platform-junitlib.patch to prevent a FTBFS.
* Add netbeans-platform-o.n.html.ko4j.patch and disable o.n.html.ko4j module.
* Update version of openide-* pom files.
* Update my e-mail address.
* libnb-platform18-java: Depend on libasm4-java and libhamcrest-java.
* Install org-openide-util-ui.jar into libnb-org-openide-util-java.
Apparently the old org-openide-util.jar was split into two jar files.
* libnb-platform-devel-java: Tighten dependency on libnb-platform18-java.
* debian/rules: Build with --parallel.
libnb-platform18-java (8.0.2+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Tighten dependency on felix-framework, osgi-core and osgi-compendium.
Thanks to Mark Carroll for the report. (Closes: #799936)
* Remove libstringtemplate-java from Build-Depends and do not symlink
the jar file with linked-jars.
* Tighten dependency on antlr3 to >= 3.4.
* Vcs-Browser: Use https.
libnb-platform18-java (8.0.2+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Imported Upstream version 8.0.2+dfsg1.
- Fix FTBFS in sid by updating the package to the latest upstream release.
(Closes: #784442)
* Replace b-d w3c-dtd-xhtml with w3c-sgml-lib because the former will be
removed from Debian. (Closes: #787177)
* debian/control:
- Tighten build-dependency on felix-framework.
- Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
- Remove virtual java7-jdk build-dependency. (Closes: #754602)
- Switch Vcs-Browser field to cgit.
- Run wrap-and-sort -sa.
- Add myself to Uploaders.
- Remove obsolete Breaks, Replaces, Conflicts and Provides fields.
* Use compat level 9 and require debhelper >= 9.
* Remove duplicate files in doc package. Add rdfind and symlinks to
* Update linked-jars for new release.
* Change version in pom files to 8.0.2.
* Rebase all patches for new release.
* Drop netbeans-platform~classfile-version.patch. Use upstream values.
* Drop netbeans-platform~include-extras.patch and use only included modules.
* Drop netbeans-platform~suitebuild.patch because the build does not fail and
we don't build for older netbeans platforms either.
* Add osgi-update.patch for incorporating the changes of the OSGi framework
* Add netbeans-platform-junit4.patch and bundle Junit4, so that nobody has to
download Junit4 from the Internet.
* Fix privacy breach logo lintian error and privacy breach lintian warning by
removing the links to external image sources in javadoc files in
* Update debian/copyright for new release.
libnb-platform18-java (7.4+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
* Added the missing dependency on libjna-platform-java (Closes: #768622)
libnb-platform18-java (7.4+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Team upload.
[ Andrew Ross ]
* New upstream release of Netbeans.
* Switch to mingw-w64 (Closes: #680468)
* Separate Netbeans Platform back into its own package.
* Include cluster release number in source package name to allow
multiple Netbeans platforms to be installed at once.
* Build .nbm modules and install into their own package.
* Upstream removed bashism from o.n.bootstrap/launcher/unix/nbexec
(Closes: #690633)
* Updated debian/patches.
[ tony mancill ]
* Bump standards version to 3.9.5.
libnb-platform-java (6.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Andres Mejia ]
* Upload to Debian. (Closes: #610927)
* Add Debian Java team as Maintainer, Yulia and myself as Uploaders.
* Define a function for creation of symlinks.
* Add symlinks for xhtml entries found only in /usr/share/xml/entities/xhtml
for Debian.
* Update packaging to use source format 3.0 (quilt) and dh with javahelper.
* Refreshed patches.
* Bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.1.
[ Damien Raude-Morvan ]
* d/copyright: Small fix for missing copyright assignment,
Update to DEP-5 r166 format.
* d/watch: Prepare for next upstream release.
* d/control: Drop Depends: default-jre | java2-runtime as a Java
library don't need to depends on runtime (Java Policy).
libnb-platform-java (6.9-0ubuntu2) maverick; urgency=low
* Bug fix upload:
- Patch netbeans-platform-6.9~suite-xml.patch is added
(fix for http://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=189196)
libnb-platform-java (6.9-0ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- License corrected
- control/Standards-Version is changed to 3.9.0
- debian/copyright file is updated
- debian/patches are updated
libnb-platform-java (6.8-0ubuntu2) lucid; urgency=low
* debian/patches/l10n.patch added (LP: #527547)
* debian/rules is updated to build l10n
* control/Standards-Version is changed to 3.8.4
libnb-platform-java (6.8-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low
* new upstream release (LP: 517083)
- debian/copyright and watch files are updated
to point to the correct download location
libnb-platform-java (6.7.1-0ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* new upstream release (LP: #418875)
- control/Standards-Version is chaged to 3.8.3
- copyright file updated
libnb-platform-java (6.5-0ubuntu2) jaunty; urgency=low
* Added debian/patches/60-6.5.1-patches.patch with bug fixes from
NetBeans 6.5.1 (LP: #345562)
libnb-platform-java (6.5-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* New upstream version (LP: #316793)
* added dependency of libnb-platform-devel-java
on libnb-platform9-java (LP: #276731)
* removed version number from binary package:
libnb-platform8-devel-java -> libnb-platform-devel-java
* watch file and get-orig-source target are added
libnb-platform-java (6.1-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
* Initial release (LP: #252658)
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