Bug#869901: zookeeper: update example zoo.conf to current config options
Christoph Anton Mitterer
calestyo at scientia.net
Thu Jul 27 14:02:18 UTC 2017
Source: zookeeper
Severity: wishlist
The Debian package provide it's own example zoo.conf file with inline documentation.
This is nice, but it lacks several options and their descriptions and defaults available
in the current ZK version, e.g. globalOutstandingLimit (kinda messed up with snapCount),
maxClientCnxns, clientPortAddress, minSessionTimeout, maxSessionTimeout,
fsync.warningthresholdms, autopurge.snapRetainCount, autopurge.purgeInterval, syncEnabled,
electionAlg, group.X, weight.X, cnxTimeout, readonlymode.enabled, zookeeper.forceSync,
jute.maxbuffer, skipACL, quorumListenOnAllIPs and zookeeper.serverCnxnFactory
OTOH, traceFile doesn't show up in the documentation of 3.4.9.
Also some defaults are wrong, e.g. according to the admin guide, the default for
snapCount=100000, however the example conf implies it would be 10000 (while it sets
a (commented) value of 1000).
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