Bug#874579: hibernate-validator: incomplete packaging, missing classes make r-deps unusable
Markus Koschany
apo at debian.org
Tue Sep 19 07:09:40 UTC 2017
Control: tags -1 pending
I'm going to upload a new revision of libhibernate-validator-java. I
have spent several hours investigating the issue and found out that the
annotation processor of jboss-logging-tools 2.1.0 behaves somehow
differently and the translationFilesPath option is currently not
recognized. (I have checked that the option exists in 2.1.0) I have
built the source files with version 1.0.1.Final of jboss-logging-tools
on my local machine, implemented some missing methods and patched
libhibernate-validator-java. Finally PDFsam works.
I have read the documentation at [1] and [2] and searched the internet
for further information about the problem but did not manage to find a
working solution with jboss-logging-tools 2.1.0. The relevant part in
pom.xml is:
-AtranslationFilesPath=${project.basedir}/src/main/resources -source 1.6
-target 1.6 -sourcepath
${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/jaxb -encoding
With version 1.0.1.Final of jboss-logging-tools the translationFilesPath
option is recognized but for unknown reasons this doesn't work with
2.1.0 anymore. I have also added jboss-logging-annotations and
jboss-logging-processor as build-dependencies but also to no avail. The
processor org.jboss.logging.processor.apt.LoggingToolsProcessor seems
correct to me.
I have explored some other routes but eventually decided that I want to
do something else for a change again.
[1] https://jboss-logging.github.io/jboss-logging-tools/#example-use-cases
[2] https://bsorrentino.github.io/maven-annotation-plugin/usage.html
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