Bug#906447: tomcat8: Errors thrown when connecting

Per Lundberg per.lundberg at hibox.tv
Mon Aug 27 06:32:22 BST 2018

On 8/26/18 12:46 AM, Markus Koschany wrote:

> I believe we should tighten the dependency on default-jre-headless. We
> currently have for tomcat8-common:
> default-jre-headless | java8-runtime-headless | java8-runtime
> We should simply change that to
> default-jre-headless (>= 10) | java10-runtime-headless | java10-runtime

Why can't we just compile it with OpenJDK 8? There are some of us who 
are still stuck on Java 8 for various reasons (because of dependencies 
of other projects), and I think it would be more convenient to let the 
package be compiled for Java 8 for the time being. As long as Tomcat 
doesn't actually use any Java 10 features, I don't really see the big 
benefit of compiling it with OpenJDK 10 at this stage.
Best regards,

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