Bug#889125: comidi-clojure FTBFS: test failure

Cyril Brulebois kibi at debian.org
Mon Dec 31 05:01:29 GMT 2018


Adrian Bunk <bunk at debian.org> (2018-02-02):
> Source: comidi-clojure
> Version: 0.3.1-1
> Severity: serious
> Some recent change in unstable makes comidi-clojure FTBFS: […]

I've bisected this issue within sid, at the archive level, thanks to
snapshot.d.o, and I'm able to confirm this package built fine until
2018-01-15 [1] and started FTBFSing starting 2018-01-16 [2] (see
timestamps for details, we can have several snapshots for a given

 1. https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20180115T220627Z/
 2. https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20180116T102730Z/

Checking changes in Sources file, there aren't many differences and
clojure looks like a rather reasonable candidate. This is confirmed
by checking the list of installed packages in (rather) minimal
build environments:

 * src:clojure upgrade:

    -ii  clojure                            1.8.0-3
    +ii  clojure                            1.9.0~alpha15-1

    -ii  libclojure-java                    1.8.0-3
    +ii  libclojure-java                    1.9.0~alpha15-1

 * src:isc-dhcp-server upgrade:

    -ii  libdns-export169                   1:9.11.2+dfsg-7
    +ii  libdns-export169                   1:9.11.2+dfsg-10

    -ii  libisc-export166:amd64             1:9.11.2+dfsg-7
    +ii  libisc-export166:amd64             1:9.11.2+dfsg-10

 * side effect of the bind9 upgrade:

    -ii  liblmdb0:amd64                     0.9.21-1

I've tried upgrading comidi to the latest release (0.3.2), without
much luck. Of course I'm no Clojure expert, so I don't really grok
things like [3], but I've noted the bidi bump to 0.3.2 [4]; as a
consequence, I've tried upgrading the bidi deb package to 2.1.3,
which wasn't too hard. But that doesn't change anything regarding
the comidi failure.

 3. https://github.com/puppetlabs/comidi/commit/9a5bfdf4f16a0b7455556591c898fb2071e4c156
 4. https://github.com/puppetlabs/comidi/commit/4e5c91b8d57b69cbfed02c728922c1f8ce071f9d

I think I'll forward this issue upstream and see if I can get some

Cyril Brulebois (kibi at debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant
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