Bug#895619: plexus-compiler: use --release instead of -source/-target for jdk9+ when setting defaults

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Tue Jul 3 15:53:06 BST 2018

On Tue, 3 Jul 2018, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> The Java 8 compatibility can be preserved on a case by case basis by
> setting the release parameter manually. For Maven based packages it's as
> simple as specifying the maven.compiler.release property in
> debian/maven.properties [1]. For Ant based packages the build.xml file
> has to be patched, and the 'release' attribute added to the <javac> tasks.
> I'll ensure that Tomcat and Jetty can still be run with Java 8 in Buster.

This will break all kinds of things here, we’ll need Maven and
the whole ecosystem around it.

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