Bug#912221: jabref: incompatible with openjdk 11
tony mancill
tmancill at debian.org
Thu Nov 1 00:54:49 GMT 2018
On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 12:31:29PM +0100, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Am 30.10.18 um 01:15 schrieb Emmanuel Bourg:
> > Le 30/10/2018 à 00:41, gregor herrmann a écrit :
> >
> >> I guess we need to make sure that we build with openjdk-8.
> >> (You know this better than me but I seem to remember that the plan
> >> was to keep openjdk-8 in buster for building packages?)
> >
> > No please don't built with openjdk-8 if there is a workaround with
> > openjdk-11. Building with openjdk-8 is really a last resort solution,
> > and very few cases justify its use (see lombok for a good example).
> If it is too complicated, too intrusive or takes too much of your time
> away I find it OK to build-depend on openjdk-8. Just ensure that
> upstream knows about this issue because in the next cycle OpenJDK 8 will
> be definitely removed. It is more important that jabref works with
> OpenJDK 11 at runtime.
Hi Markus, hi Emmanuel -
Thank you both for contributing to this thread. For the time-being, the
package will build-depend on openjdk-8 to leverage xjc until we have a
suitable recipe for gradle-based builds. So far, the only plugins I've
found are either wrappers for the xjc command-line tools or the ant
task. I'm hoping there is something out there that we can use in
conjunction with the maven-jaxb2-plugin, but haven't found anything yet.
Note that Debian's gradle in unstable won't run against openjdk-8, so
right now jabref depends on both default-jdk AND openjdk-8. The build
is with default-jdk and openjdk-8 is only for the xjc binary.
I am definitely open to (and appreciative of) your suggestions.
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