Bug#886394: pdfsam still shows the same error although it does give the banner as gimp does while starting up.

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Mon Oct 15 15:07:44 BST 2018

Control: severity -1 grave
Control: block -1 by 910764

Am 15.10.18 um 15:55 schrieb shirish शिरीष:
> Dear all,
> The issue is still prevalent even though you do get a
> 'banner'/animation or whatever its called similar to when gimp starts
> even though there are now versions of openjfx and openjdk . Something
> seems to be still missing.

PDFsam 3.3.5 does not work with OpenJFX 11 as is. A fix is currently
blocked by #910764.

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