Bug#921994: jansi-native package is architecture independent and doesn't include native components

Keegan Witt keeganwitt at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 03:46:30 GMT 2019

Package: libjansi-native-java
Version: 1.8-1
Owner: pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org

Unlike the Alpine packaging
which include files /usr/lib/libjansi.so and /usr/lib/libjansi-1.8.so,
Debian's packaging does not.  I believe this is the cause of errors
I'm seeing on other architectures.  The architectures I know are
problematic are below, as well as the error that from the Java program
trying to use Jansi (happens with both Debian's OpenJDK 8 and 11).  I
tested this on Sid (actually in OpenJDK Debian Docker images
(https://hub.docker.com/_/openjdk)), but it probably affects all

The errors that I get are from the so files in the linux32
and linux64 (https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:org.fusesource.jansi%20a:jansi-linux64)
jars, but if the native package were installed, Jansi should load that
(it worked on Alpine at least).

Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load library.
Reasons: [no jansi in java.library.path,
/tmp/libjansi-64-6177151729256195035.so: Error relocating
/tmp/libjansi-64-6177151729256195035.so: unsupported relocation type 7
(Possible cause: can't load AMD 64-bit .so on a Power PC 64-bit

Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load library.
Reasons: [no jansi in java.library.path,
/tmp/libjansi-64-6661390371961894243.so: Error relocating
/tmp/libjansi-64-6661390371961894243.so: unsupported relocation type 7
(Possible cause: can't load AMD 64-bit .so on a AARCH64-bit platform)]

Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load library.
Reasons: [no jansi in java.library.path,
/tmp/libjansi-64-7943786764210458085.so: Error loading shared library
/tmp/libjansi-64-7943786764210458085.so: Exec format error (Possible
cause: endianness mismatch)]

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