Bug#923041: Scala interpreter cannot interpret files

Fabian Wolff fabi.wolff at arcor.de
Sat Feb 23 13:51:59 GMT 2019

Package: scala
Version: 2.11.12-4
Severity: important

Dear maintainer,

consider the following Scala script test.scala:

  println("Hello, world!")

If I try to run

  $ scala test.scala

I get the following output:

  error: Compile server encountered fatal condition: javax/tools/DiagnosticListener
  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.tools.DiagnosticListener

Interestingly, the call stack differs for repeated executions, so I have not included it here.

Running scala -e 'println("Hello, world!")' produces a similar error message, but executing the code manually in the REPL seems to work.

Although the exception being thrown is a different one, this is probably related to #903140. In particular, I do not have Java 8 installed, and my default Java version is 11.

Please try to have a look at this soon - ideally, this problem should be fixed before the buster freeze, because it really does impact the usability of the package...

Kind regards,

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