Bug#925929: tomcat9: /var/log/tomcat9 is owned by tomcat:tomcat instead of tomcat:adm and not setgid
Thorsten Glaser
t.glaser at tarent.de
Thu Mar 28 17:42:09 GMT 2019
retitle 925929 tomcat9: /var/log/tomcat9 is owned by tomcat:tomcat instead of tomcat:adm and not setgid
On Thu, 28 Mar 2019, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> commit aeff1188eaab8dbe99bb1fec62472d9c2ff1d876 changed the way
> the log directory was created, and (probably a pasto) uses the
> wrong ownership.
Furthermore, /var/log/tomcat9 should be chmod 2750 not 750
so that the logfiles are accessible by the adm group, as
Debian commonplace.
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