Bug#939601: Can't build bnd from salsa

Mechtilde Stehmann mechtilde at debian.org
Fri Sep 6 19:49:12 BST 2019

Package: bnd
Version: 3.5.0
Severity: normal

I want to build core (ITP: #939091) from

This package is in turn a dependency on JVerein (ITP: #929477)

Core need bnd as a dependency. So I tried to build bnd on my machine.
this failed.

I try to build it with gbp buildpackage. I get the following output.

I: using cowbuilder as pbuilder
dpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: Unmet build dependencies:
libfindbugs-ant-java gradle-debian-helper (>= 1.6~) libbindex-java (>=
2.2+svn101) libfelix-framework-java libfelix-gogo-runtime-java
libfelix-resolver-java libosgi-compendium-java (>= 6) libosgi-core-java
(>= 6.0.0)
W: Unmet build-dependency in source

I only clone the repo from salsa https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/bnd
and start gbp buildpackage --git-verbose

I can't see any reason why it didn't install openjdk and other important

System Information:

Pbuilder choot with sid

Mechtilde Stehmann
## Debian Developer
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