Bug#787277: [ca-certificates] error on upgrade

Luca Capello luca.capello at unige.ch
Thu Apr 2 15:11:24 BST 2020

Hi Paride,.

On Sat, 30 May 2015 20:12:54 +0000, Paride Desimone wrote:
> today, I have upgraded sid.
> ca-certificates it has report:
> Elaborazione dei trigger per ca-certificates (20150426)...
> Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
> 13 added, 6 removed; done.
> Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...
> org.debian.security.InvalidKeystorePasswordException: Cannot open
> Java keystore. Is the password correct?

The output above is the expected behavior when changing the keystore
password without storing it in the "storepass" variable in


If you have not modified the default password, 20150426 is quite old,
I had not installed it on any of my machines, so I can not check old
logs.  However, I have successfully upgraded from 20170929~deb9u1 to
20170929~deb9u3 (thus within stretch) and from 20170929~deb9u3 to
20190405 (stretch to buster), thus I would say that this bug could be

Thx, bye,

Dr. Luca Capello
Ingénieur HPC
Division du Système et des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication
Université de Genève | 24 rue Général-Dufour
Tél +41 22 379 72 42 | Bureau 151
mailto:luca.capello at unige.ch
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