Bug#948286: maven: CDK 2.3 fails to compile with Maven 3.6.2 with ClassNotFoundException

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg at apache.org
Tue Jan 7 21:41:24 GMT 2020

Le 07/01/2020 à 16:25, Egon Willighagen a écrit :
> Just for clarity, I am not sure it is a CDK problem.

I confirm this is not a cdk issue. It happened because the maven package
from testing was installed in stable and libplexus-utils2-java 3.2
wasn't brought along.

This wouldn't happen if libmaven3-core-java had the correct versioned
dependency on libplexus-utils2-java. Unfortunately due to a bug in
maven-debian-helper the versioned dependency is wrong (the version is
2.x instead of 3.2.1).

Emmanuel Bourg

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