Bug#935336: jsvc cannot find libjvm.so as installed by JDK/JRE packages

Kevin P. Fleming kevin at km6g.us
Mon Jun 8 12:43:28 BST 2020

This problem is caused by the location of libjvm.so. For example, when
I install openjdk-11-jre-headless:arm64, I get this directory:


which contains libjvm.so (among other files).

However, jsvc looks in:

/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-arm64/lib/$(uname -m)/server

This means it cannot find the necessary library. I have been working
around this by adding a subdirectory under `lib` named the same as
`uname -m` reports, and then creating a symlink `server` in that
directory which points to the `server` directory one level up.

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