Bug#963960: dbus-java-bin: CreateInterface fails with XML parsing errors

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Tue Jun 30 19:40:59 BST 2020


Am 29.06.20 um 11:51 schrieb Ronny Standtke:
> Package: dbus-java-bin
> Version: 2.8-9
> Severity: important
> Whatever I try, CreateInterface always fails with XML parsing errors, e.g.:


> This package, including it's upstream on freedesktop.org, seems to be
> completely broken and out-of-date. There is an updated and improved
> version on github:
> https://github.com/hypfvieh/dbus-java.
> Maybe it's a good idea to switch to this version?

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. The former Debian
maintainer of dbus-java was also the upstream maintainer of the code and
since he left development has basically stalled.
I'm not sure if we should switch to the new version though. According to
upstream the changes may break existing code. Quote:

"Please note this version is not compatible with 2.7.x versions as
classes have been moved in other packages or were completly removed.
Most import issues should be easily fixable by using 'Organize Imports'.
Using this version as replacement for 2.7.x however, will not work
without changing your code as well."

We only need dbus-java for three reverse-dependencies: jajuk,
zemberek-server and mauve-aligner and I don't have any personal interest
in this piece of software.

As long as these packages work as intended I would rather not try to
invest time to upgrade dbus-java. However I completely agree that
dbus-java-bin is probably broken and of little value. If nobody else
wants to work on it, I can at least drop the dbus-java-bin binary
package to avoid confusion and disappointment.



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