Bug#958512: libwoodstox-java: new upstream version available (#958512)

Alexandre Rossi niol at zincube.net
Tue May 5 09:04:30 BST 2020


> If you are familiar with using mentors.debian.net, you can upload your
> complete source package there, or simply mail the files to me directly.
> Just the .dsc and .debian.tar.xz are sufficient, since I should be able
> to recreate the orig.tar.gz.  
> You could also push a branch/merge request to Salsa.  Or if you have a
> fork, push the master, pristine-tar, and upstream branches and I'll
> build from there.

I managed to get the latest upstream version to build. Same result with

$ ratt ~/oss/scratch/debian/davmail/libwoodstox-java_6.2.0-1~1.gbpda77d3_amd64.changes
2020/05/04 17:27:55 Loading changes file "/home/niol/oss/scratch/debian/davmail/libwoodstox-java_6.2.0-1~1.gbpda77d3_amd64.changes"
2020/05/04 17:27:55  - 1 binary packages: libwoodstox-java
2020/05/04 17:27:55 Corresponding .debs (will be injected when building):
2020/05/04 17:27:55     /home/niol/oss/scratch/debian/davmail/libwoodstox-java_6.2.0-1~1.gbpda77d3_all.deb
2020/05/04 20:12:46 Building package 18 of 18: resteasy3.0
2020/05/04 20:16:24 Build results:
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: apache-log4j2
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: jaxws
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: jackson-jaxrs-providers
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: jax-maven-plugin
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: libapache-poi-java
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: wss4j
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: dogtag-pki
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: libjettison-java
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: opsin
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: libitext5-java
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: davmail
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: resteasy3.0
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: lucene-solr
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: libxstream-java
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: osmosis
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: libxml-security-java
2020/05/04 20:16:24 PASSED: metro-policy
2020/05/04 20:16:24 FAILED: cinfony (see buildlogs/cinfony_1.2-4)

I'm not familiar with pristine-tar and will look into it later today.

Anyway my work is there:



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