Bug#1003972: marked as done (libphonenumber: New upstream release - please update)

tony mancill tmancill at debian.org
Sat Jan 29 16:27:42 GMT 2022

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 08:59:32AM -0700, Neil Mayhew wrote:
> On 2022-01-28 22:33, tony mancill wrote:
> > I noticed that 8.12.42 was released a couple days ago [4].
> > My thought was to let 8.12.41 transition to testing (5 days) before
> > uploading to unstable again, in case that impacts whether/when Ubuntu
> > picks up the update. Let me know if you know otherwise.
> That sounds like the best approach. I don't know the details of how Ubuntu
> picks up the updates, but I have a bug report open with Ubuntu and I'll
> follow up there once 8.12.41 reaches testing. I'll mention that you're
> planning to package 8.12.42 as well.

For what it's worth, the 8.12.42 update doesn't do much for Debian and
Ubuntu, so I see that as something that can be deferred and or skipped
until a more substantial release is available.  Particularly if it helps
8.12.41 migrate all the way through...  The jar dependency bumps in [1]
don't change anything because Debian uses the packaged version of the
library and commons-io is already well-past 2.7 [2].
> I see that the mips64el build failed, and it was in the Java part of
> the build, with a JRE panic. I don't know much about Java,
> unfortunately, so I'm sorry I can't help with that.

I believe that was just bad luck, meaning an extant bug in OpenJDK
(maybe only on Zero), or at least not caused by libphonenumber.

> Can 8.12.41 still transition to testing even with mips64el failing?

No.  I have already given it back for a rebuild and will keep an eye on
it and mipsel.


[1] https://github.com/google/libphonenumber/commit/9a7be5813db8c0713c111d1c5735c777ce3838f1
[2] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/commons-io
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