Bug#1004482: liblog4j1.2-java: CVE-2022-23307 CVE-2022-23305 CVE-2022-23302

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Sun Jan 30 23:47:16 GMT 2022

Am Sonntag, dem 30.01.2022 um 15:20 -0800 schrieb tony mancill:
> Hi Markus,
> You might take some inspiration and/or patches from the reload4j
> project.
>   https://reload4j.qos.ch/  
> I have been using it as drop-in replacement for the log4j 1.2.x jar for
> applications at ${dayjob} without any problem.  Once you decide how you
> would like to address the CVE, we can discuss the possibility of
> packaging reload4j for bookworm as a replacement for apache-log4j1.2.

Thanks tony! I'm currently rebuilding all reverse-dependencies of log4j1.2. So
far it looks like I was right and there is no package that actually requires
one of the affected classes to build. None of the affected features are enabled
by default hence why I would rather prefer the sledgehammer approach and just
remove them. What doesn't exist can't be exploited. At least this makes sense
for stable and oldstable distributions right now. 

I don't know much about the reload4j fork at the moment. From an application
manager perspective it could make sense to replace log4j1.2 with reload4j but
Debian should better move forward to log4j2 in my opinion. Ideally we could
just replace log4j1.2 with log4j2 in all reverse dependencies. Some upstream
projects should be really shaken up by now because of log4shell and eventually
move away from log4j1.2. We still have a lot of Debian packages which depend on
it though.

I suggest to file bugs against all those packages with severity normal and ask
to migrate to log4j2. If we don't make a lot of progress within the next six
months then we could consider packaging reload4j, although I would rather avoid
to package (and maintain) a fork of an obsolete project.


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