Bug#1010657: google-oauth-client-java: CVE-2021-22573 - IdTokenVerifier does not verify the signature of ID Token

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Sun May 15 23:52:59 BST 2022

Hi tony,

Am Sonntag, dem 15.05.2022 um 11:17 -0700 schrieb tony mancill:

> [...]
> Any thoughts?  It's a tad messy either way, but using current versions
> simplifies the porting of patches.

I haven't investigated the CVE closely enough but the current reverse-
dependencies in Bullseye don't seem to be severely affected by it. bazel-
bootstrap and libgoogle-api-client-java are more like leaf packages unless we
take openrefine in bullseye-backports into consideration as well. 

We could also mark the CVE as ignored for Bullseye because of the minor impact,
or just upload the new google-http-client-java package to bullseye after
approval by the release team and then update google-oauth-java-client as well.
We just have to check if this breaks the two other packages in Bullseye (bazel-
bootstrap and google-api-client-java).

So yes, a newer upstream version is fine, if it does not break any existing
packages and there is no other way or the alternative would be way too time
consuming and inconvenient. 



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