Bug#1034492: libtcnative-1: Tomcat warning suggesting a minimum version of 2.0.1 for tcnative

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Sun Apr 16 22:55:05 BST 2023


Am Sonntag, dem 16.04.2023 um 16:15 -0400 schrieb Jorge Moraleda:
> Package: libtcnative-1
> Version: 1.2.35-1
> Severity: normal
> X-Debbugs-Cc: jorge.moraleda at gmail.com
> Dear Maintainer,
> When running tomcat 10 (installed from default bookworm repo) it warns that
> "An
> older version [1.2.35] of the Apache Tomcat Native library is installed,
> while
> Tomcat recommends a minimum version of [2.0.1]"
> I feel debian should package a version of tc-native equals or newer than the
> recommendation of the packaged tomcat version.

This is something we aim for in Debian 13. For now 1.2.35 should work just fine
despite the warning.

> I wonder if we tomcat 9 still requires version 1.x of tcnative, which means
> debian should package both libtcnative-1 and a libtcnative-2, or if the
> latest
> tcnative 2 would suffice for both tomcat 9 and tomcat 10, and then we might
> want to drop the 1 in the tcnative package name and just package the latest
> 2.x
> version under that name.

We will remove Tomcat 9 in the near future because we can support only one
version. I guess we can rename libtcnative-1 to just libtcnative instead of
creating a new libtcnative-2 package. I'm sure we will make a decision after
the freeze.


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