Bug#1034392: Acknowledgement (tomcat9: jstack/jcmd broken for non-root users with tomcat9+jdk11 or greater)
Per Lundberg
per.lundberg at hibox.tv
Thu Apr 20 08:02:49 BST 2023
On 2023-04-20 00:03, Vladimir Petko wrote:
> Oh, thank you for providing a patch for a quite annoying bug!!!!
The pleasure is ours. :-) (I didn't write the patch myself but I helped
out a bit with the initial debugging)
> Would it be possible to add a header to the patch, so that it is
> possible to see where it came from and why, e.g.
Great suggestions - I have added the header as suggested to the patch.
As mentioned, we haven't tested this on JDK 11. If someone has the JDK
11 sources & build environment readily available, it would be great to
get it verified if it works there as well. (This does not hinder the
patch from being applied to JDK 17 already, from my POV.)
Best regards,
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