Bug#1040925: bookworm-pu: package ca-certificates-java/20230103+x
Jonathan Wiltshire
jmw at debian.org
Fri Aug 18 17:48:23 BST 2023
On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 02:45:12PM +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> As a result new installations of openjdk-17-jre-headless from
> bookworm-security (or -pu) (and its circular dependency
> ca-certificates-java from bookworm) will fail, #1039472, (but
> upgrades seem to work fine, since the jre has been configured at
> least once in the past).
This seems to be a wider problem, several reports against the Debian
package and I have had some via work as well. I've also bumped into it in
an upstream project and personally.
I'm therefore inclined to make a stable update sooner than the point
release. How does this text sound?
| ca-certificates-java, a package to update the cacerts JKS keystore used
| for many java runtimes, may fail to install alongside OpenJDK because
| of a circular dependency. This is a regression in Debian 11 and 12.
Jonathan Wiltshire jmw at debian.org
Debian Developer http://people.debian.org/~jmw
4096R: 0xD3524C51 / 0A55 B7C5 1223 3942 86EC 74C3 5394 479D D352 4C51
ed25519/0x196418AAEB74C8A1: CA619D65A72A7BADFC96D280196418AAEB74C8A1
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