Bug#1040925: bookworm-pu: package ca-certificates-java/20230103+x
Jonathan Wiltshire
jmw at debian.org
Sat Aug 19 14:56:20 BST 2023
On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 09:52:36PM +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> The actual regression is in openjdk-XX which removed some undocumented
> undefined behavior. This was not neccessarily on purpose.
> ca-certificates-java relied on the fact that an unconfigured
> openjdk-jre-XX-headless could be used for its configuration, which is no
> longer the case. ca-certificates-java now has to pre-configure java to a
> usable state if ca-certificates-java gets configured before
> openjdk-XX-jre-headless was ever configured. That may happen due to the
> circular dependency.
> The current fix may actually cause dpkg trigger cycles (due to the circular
> dependency), but that's a rare event. IIRC in my piuparts tests of this fix
> I encountered one new trigger cycle, while fixing about 50-250 installation
> failures due to the ca-certificates-java failure.
> (exact numbers are hard to estimate since that failure may not propagate
> transitively: if installing foo which depends on ca-certifictes-java fails,
> installing bar which depends on foo (and therefore ca-certificates-java,
> too) may succeed if apt swaps the configuration order of
> ca-certificates-java and openjdk-XX-jre-headless.
This still seems better for now than the current situation, so even if we
do something else later I'd like to get the wheels turning on this. I
sent a revised text, as it will have you name on it are you happy with it?
Jonathan Wiltshire jmw at debian.org
Debian Developer http://people.debian.org/~jmw
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