Bug#933264: gradle: Nearly 3-year-old version almost useless

Matthias Geiger werdahias at riseup.net
Fri Dec 1 12:18:23 GMT 2023

On 01.12.23 13:16, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Am Freitag, dem 01.12.2023 um 13:06 +0100 schrieb Matthias Geiger:
>> Kotlin is now in debian, is there anything else blocking the update ?
> As a start I have built Gradle 4.6 from source with almost only system
> libraries but I hit a wall because there seems to be a bug in our Kotlin
> version or rather 4.6 requires a different version, so this version still
> relies on upstream's binary distribution of Kotlin. I will push this in a few
> days and then let's see how we can proceed from here on. Why still 4.6? Jumping
> to a newer version like 6.x (which is already superseded by 8.x) requires
> updates of many different system libraries which in turn requires updates of
> reverse-dependencies of said libraries and so on. So whenever you change
> something in Debian's Java eco system you have to be prepared to fix a bunch of
> other seemingly (un)related stuff as well. More details follow soon.
> Markus

Awesome, thanks for your work on this !


Matthias Geiger <werdahias>
Debian Maintainer
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden" -- Rosa Luxemburg

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